Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pinkie Pie the Hacker!

No, its not what some of you may be thinking. This is not a post on Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony. This a post about a teenage hacker who goes by Pinkie Pie and recently got paid $60,000 to hack into Google Chrome.  I spotted this picture on Reddit when I searched for Pinkie Pie the Hacker.  The article, however, comes from TechCrunch, one of my favorite sources of tech info.  Pinkie Pie the hacker was awarded $60,000 in prize money from Google for producing the first Chrome vulnerability hack at the Hack in the Box conference.  The teenager goes by the name Pinkie Pie because his "employer" doesn't authorize such activity. I personally think they are talking about his parents or his school when referring to his "employer."

iOS6 is Very Popular!

I was on CNET earlier and came across a recent article saying iOS6 is already on 60% of iPhones in North America! I'm not shocked in the least by this. I am an iPhone user, and lover, and have updated to iOS6 and I love it. Out of all of the new features, I would have to agree with this article from CNET in that maps has to be the most disappointing app out of them all. Over all I believe that iOS6 has minor flaws but is necessary update for anyone who as a 3GS and up!